

    Displaying the Diaspora

    The coronavirus epidemic affected pretty much every facet of modern life—even trickling down into the world of fine art, according to leading Chicago artist and gallerist Andre Guichard. COVID-19 caused people to “really come to understand the intrinsic value of art” in a new way, he believes. While at one...

    An Audience with Queen Latifah

    Few artists have enjoyed as successful a career in multiple arenas as much as the woman born Dana Elaine Owens but better known to everyone as Queen Latifah. She may have given herself the title when she was just starting out, but she has been crowned multiple times in...

    A Heart for Art

    In a world of fast-moving images—from TikTok videos to big-screen movie special effects in the latest blockbuster—a freeze-frame moment still has the capacity to rivet our attention, settle our hearts and inspire our lives. That’s the enduring power of art that Diane Dinkins-Carr celebrates, cultivates, and champions both personally, as...

    Life Through Her Lens

    Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble’s commitment to challenging the imbalance of minority representation in the advertising and film industries is fueled by two convictions: Not only is it the right thing to do; in terms of business, it’s simply the smart thing to do. P&G’s Widen the Screen initiative,...

    Telling Our Stories

    If the Oscars are a coronation of Hollywood royalty, then last year’s Academy Awards marked the ascension of the appropriately named Charles D. King, one of the prime movers behind the movie, Judas and the Black Messiah, that made industry history as the first all-Black-produced nominee for Best Picture. The...



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